Do You Need an Attitude Adjustment?

Your attitude is a powerful force in your life. It can direct your entire day. Some of us are in need of an attitude adjustment and we aren't even aware of it. If you are curious if you are in need of an adjustment, here are some indicators:

  1. You think it’s everyone else who needs the attitude adjustment. Maybe you have these thoughts about your spouse, co-workers, employer, or employees. It could be as simple as the clerk at the store or the server at the restaurant. But the chances are, if everyone around you needs an attitude adjustment, it may actually be you instead.

  2. You have the same issues… with everyone. I know people who have issues with the people they work with and the place they do the work, they decide they have had enough and quit that job. They have a fresh start in a new place with new people, only to complain about the exact same issues, only with the new people in the new place. Are you seeing the trend here?

  3. You complain about your life… a lot. Eeyore is a great character for Winnie the Pooh, but no one wants to hang out with him in real life. We all know people who can instantly suck the air out of a room with their negativity. You don’t even want to give them the courteous “hey, how are you doing.” You don’t want to ask because you already know. If they were to win the lottery they would complain that the lottery ticket cost too much, the payout wasn’t enough, and the taxes were too high. This negative mindset always finds more reasons to complain than celebrate.

  4. You are resentful of the good in the lives of others. They received the promotion but you were more qualified. You're better looking but they still got the girl. They are always happy and you’re always sad. There is a high possibility that it’s not about your qualifications, your looks, or their happiness. It has a lot more to do with your attitude. People aren’t always happy because things always go their way, they are happy because they have chosen a positive attitude.

  5. And the final way to know if you are struggling with a bad attitude, you make a big deal out of everything. Minor inconveniences like a traffic jam, a slow internet connection, or a late appointment just push you over the edge. What seems to be a small annoyance for everyone else can ruin your whole day.

If you or your organization is struggling with a bad attitude I would love to help you dump the grump. Take a look at THIS ARTICLE for some ways to adjust your attitude. You can also click the link below for a free consultation to see how I can partner with you.


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Brandon Matthews

Brandon is passionate about bringing meaning back to the marketplace. These are practical and applicable principles for your organization.