
Keynote Speaker
Brandon can share a signature talk or custom keynote based on a specific topic relevant to your organization. All of Brandon's talks are personalized and customized for each audience.
Weekend Seminar
Why limit the fun to just one day? If you are planning a company retreat or weekend seminar Brandon can provide valuable content to inspire, encourage, and equip your team in a fun and engaging way. 
A great keynote presentation encourages and motivates us into action. Pairing a keynote with a workshop allows for a more interactive  learning experience.
Brandon can share through group discussion with other leaders and experts or serve as host for the panel asking insightful and thought provoking questions.
Take a 4 or 8 hour deep dive into a fun and interactive workshop tailored to fit your organization's goals. These workshops are a lot of fun and include team building and team interaction.
Emcee/Event Host
An emcee or event host can make or break an event. Brandon prepares ahead of time to know every detail in the flow and mood of your event.  His communication is largely unscripted in order to connect in the moment.

Sample Keynotes

All of Brandon’s presentations are personalized and customized for each audience

3 Levels of Leadership

Great individuals make great teams. Great teams make great organizations. This program helps you learn to grow as an individual in order to grow as a team, to be able to serve your target audience better.

Resurrecting Customer Service

Whatever happened to the customer is always right? Why is it said that customer service is dead? In this program we bring the dead back to life through the resurrection of customer service.

The Craft of Communication

Many conversate, but few communicate. In this program we learn not to only exchange words but to turn those words into meaningful action.

The Meaningful Marketplace

1/3 of our lives are spent doing things that we don't want to do with people that we don't want to do them with. Don't just survive it, thrive in it. This programs helps develop passion and purpose in the marketplace.

Areas of Impact

These are some of Brandon's most impactful topics:

Company Culture
Customer Service
Customer Experience
Organizational Health
Team Health
Private Leadership Development
Peer Leadership Development
Public Leadership Development
Spiritual Development
"In all of the many presentations that we have had throughout the years, this is the most engaging, entertaining, and powerful by far. Wow. Thank you." -  Sharon

"Brandon has a way of communicating practical leadership skills to your organization that will really make you check yourself! Our whole team was blown away by the value he brought in just two hours. If you want to empower your team to stand out and be different in this marketplace, you need this training!" - Amber

Contact Brandon